Friday, 26 March 2010

URGH its that day again FRIDAY the day where i have to do a sleep at work!!!!!!!!!!
i purley hate fridays all day but to be honest once i get to work and get on with my job it aint so bad, i do love my job though, im quite attached to the ladies which i dont know is a good thing or a bad thing, i wish i could make em all better and be normal like me and you, saying that what is "normal" and maybe they are blesse coz they aint a clue what goes on in this shitty world of ours!!!!

well its nearly easter, i love this time of year, the daffs and daisies bloom and it starts getting lighter at night, the days get longer and i can peg my washing outside!
i actually picked some dafodils today, got some funny looks of people too, surely i should no better than pickin flowers at my age, i am nearly thirty lol

im desperate for a letter to come through from new progress saying that we have been offered a house =( its like taking the piss now!!!!

anyway, I PASSED MY THEORY TEST YESTERDAY *jumps up and down*
i am awesome and awesome is me!!! shouldnt be too long now till im driving these roads and doin better things with my gorgous dumpling,
i told ya this will be my year lol

anyways ive nothing more to say for now so, bye bye

Monday, 22 March 2010

right, I'm a clown, in January i booked my theory test for the 19 Feb, re booked it for the 24Th and once again re booked for the 25Th march THAT IS ON THURSDAY I'm gonna fail i just know it.
i cant study it just doesn't work for me I'm shit!
so anyways I'm going to just study hard for the next few days and just go for it, if i fail (no doubt i will) i will rebook again for the following months AND this time i will put 100% into my studying and pass with flying colours +0)(i hope)

anyways Keenan has done me proud this week, hes gone in for his yellow belt at karate/kickboxing hes confident he has done it and i have every faith in him. he looks so professional when hes doing his moves, it almost brings tears to my eyes xxx

Mia is still waiting on hany modeling work... in which the deadline was today for her licence, im such shit ya know, i need a PA i will get that sorted Friday as I'm working tomoz and the day after.

I'm still looking for a 3 bed House prefabley in leyland but having no luck at all, the system is a joke, my son is 11 in a few weeks and having to share a room with his near seven year old sister, its not fair on any of them, they just never have their own space.
i would really want to be away from hear by the summer coz thats when all the fuckin idiots come out to pay drinking and lettin their brats run riot, urgh, i hate it round here, ive much hatred for a hell of a lot of poeple.
ive had to change my phone number again today, which cost me thirty five fuckin quid, as an asshole got my number again and sends constants demented text all day long, i should go to the police ike i had to last time but ya know i just cant be arsed with it all, the sooner where out of this house the better,theres a few lovelys but not enough to make me wonna stay here plus our house is too small, full stop!!!

im nearly thirty aswell which is depressing my best mate has started knockin about with my enermy and i feel i have no fucke but my awesome family which i love dearly ut when i think of friends, i actualy have none, ziltch zero as ive grown up ive realised who my real friends are and thats it im down to zero, fuckin marvolous!
im sure ya ment to have a big do when ya thirty with al ya mates and get dressed up and get messy but nope not this lady, ill prob be workin or gettin drunk on my own twittering and facebooking, thats my sad life that i lead.
i do love twitter though, well love is a bit of a strong word, but ive met some great people on there, i spend a hell of a lot of time there aswell. facebook is lame these days all the fun has gone out of it.

looking forward to summer hols, where going to spain again to stay ay my grandma's place nice cheap hoiday, gets us away from not so sunny leyland,my friend (whos friends with the enermy is mena be coming but she never answers my cals or ewt anymore so there loss) next year though, im gonna go for a biggy an all incusive for me and the kids, gonna see if my mum and dad will come though coz it be better with a bit of company, im excited for it all ready and its not even booked.

well im still a fat fooker aswell but i dont really bother ive not gained any or lost any every 4 weeks when i wiegh my self i still way the same so, lo nay mind.

where going to the wrestlemania tour in about 3 weeks 11th aprill me the kids and my mum and dad or coming along, theyve never been before, they dont even know anything about thee wwe LOLOLOL they will hav a great time tho as the atmosphere is emense, i canny fackin wait, kids love it too, we get floor seats, so tey vanish to the barriers everytime t try and get some skin of the superstars, and they do, kee has touched a few and HHH rubbed mias head.. aslong as cena is there ill be one happy mo fo. EEEEEKkkk
our bentley is coming on brilliant, hes just over one now, he still loves to chew things lol
he goes to dog school and hes good at walking sitting healing, staying, but when hes of that lead, he just doesnt listen at all, but bless him, hes so cute,

anyways, im signin off, im naggin on, i love this place, i can just say what ever i like and no one need bother, nless they read it of course then they may be bothered haha chow for now =0))

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

well, hey.. i have surly not been here for a long bloody time...
what have i been up to?? hmm nothing really just work, being a mum bla bla...

well i joined twitter, which i seem to be addicted to, i probley update far to much (not good coz it proves how boring my life is)
i cant even remember my last blog.. so i can see whats happened since then..
well im enjoying my job (but not the staff thaey are lazy twats nah im jokin )
ive relised in life that ya dont need hundreds of friends and that some will still stick around no matter what, them i will say are my which i have one, kelly, she is a gem.. shes a nag aswell do this do that, shes right tho, makin me work, learn to drive bla bla, id be lost without her i think. friends come and go a hell of a lot of mine have, most i woke past in the street and wont even say boo to, im nearly thirty now and ive realised my family, is most important and my closest friends (doran) and the wwe of couse (joke)

im still lookin to move, only because of space, if this house was a three bed , id probley wonna stay there actually is some ok people round my way, the view is awesome fields amongs fields but come summer time, it brings out idiots,thats wonna get pissed all day long (dont get me wrong i was like that once apon a time, but come on, ya grow up!!) let their kids run riot and cause havoc...BLAG i can not be assed, s'pose that comes with the council estate thingy majig, eh?
oh, i got fat aswell, i quit smoking ate loads of good food and here i am ten bellys, i jog now i joined a club aswell which is hard to stick to due to work but other than that i run with my neighbor bev. which brings me on to them, they are fab, been my neighbours for a long time and prob seen many sides of me, seen boyfriends, my life and friends come and go, amazin what changes in like ten years (its a long fuckin time really)
anyway, i goda do sumet about it, like order a pizza lol nope, jog, i also got another dvd to work out to, this time davina the last one was clubland,what i cant dance unless im pissed.then i still caant
theres been a few men in my life (not that im a whore or ewt but ya know)
i still need to find someone to put up with me no one can cope, im not normal,, ive had enough, but then i get a desent fella, like date guy (no names) he was lovely (still talk) but leggerz gets drunk and makes a tit of her self haha i do make my self laugh though, some of the drunken texts made me laugh... saying my head was hairyer than my wanny and stuff LOL WTF, thats with a year of neglet, ya let ya self go dont ya, (wheres the feather duster) well im prepared now, keep the bush trimed and all that, even started on the sunbeds again got an opp for the hairdressers, fix up look sharp!
im still obsessed with the wwe (john cena ) like thats gonna change EVER, he da man, well after keenan and bentley,
BENTLEY little bastard has destroyed alot of stuff, laptops mobiles, etc the shitbag has cos like six times as much as it was to uy him, bless still wuv him tho hes a shitbag, he starts dog training next week, my neighbour gets annoyed with him coz he ruins her lie in lol bless
my kids are doin fab, mia is modelling the stunner she is, makes more than i make in month shes gonna be sumet when she is older
keenan is fab at school man i used to get phone calls expelled everything, hes a changed ,an, he s made me proud, i love them both to the moon, and all around the universe and back
things to looj forward to... erm.. LIFE!!! wrestle mania revenge tour in april holiday in malaga in augest, my babies growing up, hopefully a new house, a flat stomach haaaaaaaaa
also i wonna say how much i lovemy parents, id be screwed without them, my babies are the world, my pets are shitbags but id have no other, my job is challeging , my life is full of rewards
ps, ima cunt (but a good one)